0931 939 453

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Data Labeling

Data Labeling Works:

Label videos
Label driver’s licenses
Label pictures Label part of speeches
Label ID cards Label named-entity recognition
Label passports Label conversations and recordings


Data Labeling Process:


2,100 minutes of recording (carried out in 12 hours)
Currently, carry out 30,000 minutes of recording per month
Average productivity of conversation labeling: 1,400 minutes of recording/day
Average productivity of conversation recording labeling: 2,200 minutes of recording/day

With a team of professional, skillful and experienced staff, BPO.MP Co., Ltd is proud to be a reputable data entry company and strive to become the best data entry company to provide top quality online data entry services with competitive prices, satisfying all customer needs.

BPO- Business Process Outsourcing is very essential for every business.

Services BPO.MP provides:

  • Data Digitization
  • Data Entry and Data Processing
  • Outsourcing for AI Companies
  • Data Labeling Services (Data Tagging Services/ Data Annotation Services/ Data Specification Services)
  • Financial & Accounting Services
  • Content Writing Services
  • DTP Image Processing
  • Translation & Interpretation
  • Human Resource Services

For further information, please contact the Hotline: 0931 939 453 or email to: info@mpbpo.com.vn